
We, the members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Parish, dedicate ourselves with joyful hearts to worship and witness.  We serve God in our community, through the many gifts we have received.

Liturgical Ministries

Please note that all litugical ministers must have completed the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Matrimony, if applicable.

Ministry of Lector – The Proclamation of the Liturgy of the Word is an essential part of the Mass.  Lectors receive training to serve in this ministry.

Lectors - Please click here:

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist – Parishioners who are specially trained to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.

Altar Servers – Altar servers assist the Priest during the celebration of Mass.  Young people above the fourth grade level in school may apply to be an altar server.   

Homebound – Ministry to the homebound offers fellowship and consolation to the sick, shut ins and those in hospitals or hospice care.  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist may also bring Holy Communion to those that are homebound and properly disposed.  

Hospitality Ministers – Men and Woman who welcome and greet all who attend Mass with a warm smile and personality.  As Jesus said in the scriptures, “anyone who is welcomed in my name welcomes Me.”  They are an extension of the entire community and establish a warm atmosphere.

Ushers – are always ministers of hospitality.  Ushers have the responsibility to welcome the faithful and assist with collections.

Music Ministry – This is a group of people with a gift of voice or playing instruments.  They compliment the Liturgy.  There are various groups and ages.  The music ranges from traditional to contemporary.

Leader of Song (Cantor) -  A person with a gifted voice who assists the assembly in Eucharistic celebrations through hymns, psalms and acclamations.  The Leader of Song encourages and enhances the participation of the congregation in signing.  They are under the direction of the Music Director.

Sacristan – This appointed Ministry ensures that the sanctuary is prepared for Liturgy.   This person is responsible for the Altar Linen Ministry.

Altar Linen Ministry – People who wash, iron and mend the altar linens and altar clothes.  They also adjust and mend the Altar Server Albs.

Baptismal Preparation – The couples help new parents feel welcome as they encourage all to share their faith and prepare them for the upcoming Baptism through 2 meetings.  They also assist at the Baptisms.

Wedding Preparation   - interview and help the engaged couple to be ready for the vocation of marriage and the Sacrament of Matrimony.

  • Pre Cana – This team of couples, under the direction of a Deacon, provides formation to engaged couples regarding topics pertinent to the Sacrament of Matrimony.   
  • FOCCUS – This is a tool to enable the engaged couple discern what gifts each brings to the marital relationship.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – Is the formation process by which Adults are initiated into the Catholic Church.  The RCIA involves many months of prayer, study and Liturgical Rites that prepare one for the Sacraments of Initiation.  Sponsors are those individuals that accompany catechumens or candidates on the journey toward the Fulness of Faith.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Age of Reason – is a process where un- baptized children above of the age of reason are prepared for entrance into the Catholic Church.  This process also allows children to journey toward completion of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil or Pentecost.


Music Director: Thomas Sexton


When you or someone you love are not able to make it to Mass for an extended period of time, we would like to help you stay connected with our parish life by bringing Communion to you or your loved one, in your home. Please call the rectory to make arrangements.

Ministry of Consolation

Ministry of Consolation is a ministry that assists families in planning the funeral liturgies for their loved ones. For information about joining this ministry, please call the rectory.